Maggie Shea


A private label company entering the D2C branded space needed develop a youthful tone of voice. Through a consumer brand study positioned as Excell as an accessible functionality based, smart living brand with eco-friendly attributes.  Partnered with design team to articulate brand aesthetic and functional attributes of products in a consumer-friendly way. Developed branding created a lighthearted and fun tone of voice for all consumer assets.  Built Shopify+ site with a zero-based budget and achieved over 20K in sales in less than 3 months. Implemented social, display and search campaigns to help drive traffic to site. Conversion rate optimized to 2.5%

Administered a consumer survey to gain brand insight and inform branding and product development.

Key Findings:

  • Conusmers are still investing in home decor
  • Product functionality is more important than ever
  • Clean Solutions are very important
  • Quality is king
  • Accessorize everything
  • Omni-channel is still how they shop

Developed brand postioning based on consumer research

Touchless Soap Dispenser product story. Lead, developed and executed product story for the Touchless Soap Dispenser inclusive of packaging, photography, copy and iconography.

Touchless Soap email

Diatomite Email